Egg retrieval went very well this morning. It was much easier than I'd imagined and I enjoyed the drugs very much. Best of all, we got a dozen eggs of which we hope at least seven will be mature. And, yes, I do feel silly for freaking out about my follicle count last week. Praying that one (or two!) of these will become a rainbow baby and bring vibrant color and light to my family again.
1023rd Friday Blog Roundup
17 hours ago
Praying for those eggs, and then I will be praying for sticky beans!
Such great news Annie! Here's to some good luck in the next two weeks!
Yay! A dozen! That is great news, hoping you get many many embabies...;)
Oh, that is WONDERFUL news! I am so happy for you! :D :D :D :D
Yay, glad it went so well!!
Egg cellent!
I bet your eggs look as beautiful as the ones in your picture.
Hooray! I'll keep praying for you. Love you.
Fantastic!!!! Yey!!
This is great news:) Cant wait to hear more good news:)
Praying as well and sending you hugs.
Fabulous!!! What a great, great number and can't wait to see how those little ones grow over the next few days!!! Hooray!!!
(Maybe a TMI tip, but if your drugs were anything like mine, it wouldn't hurt to have a glass of Miralax or two in the next couple of days!!!)
Yay for getting so many eggs. Praying that lots are mature and you will have an awesome fertilization rate! Keep up posted!
Congrats on your dozen! I pray lots of them become lovely little embryos and bring that rainbow home to you!
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