Friday, January 7, 2011

All is Well

Back from the ultrasound.  Surprisingly, I was not too nervous going in since I've been feeling better (less abdominal drama) and worse (more sick).  Last night I had a couple of animal cookies at bedtime and shortly thereafter literally tossed my cookies.  It's the first time I've thrown up during this pregnancy.  I ask you, what sort of nut job actually enjoys throwing up?  Me, that's who.  I took it as a good sign.  And it was.

The baby is looking great and measuring right on - 9w1d.  It even waved to us!  We also got to see it in 3D and take a look at the developing cord. I'm praying very specifically that it develops normally!

Speaking of "it" - it needs some sort of name but I haven't been able to come up with anything yet.  I'm working on it and let me know if you have any suggestions! 

So we're on for next Thursday's appointment at the high-risk clinic.  We'll see if the peace of mind I have right now will last for six whole days.


Anonymous said...

Great pic as always. I can't wait to throw up. I really can't.

My life said...

YAY! YAY! YAY! (if I could do a cartwheel for you I would, but that would end with me in traction I'm sure) We called ours "the bean" which was really cute and has kind of floated over with him post pregnancy :)

Amber said...

We called our little one "Gil" as a fetus, which was the name of our infertility specialist. I gave him total credit for this miracle baby, so I felt like it was only fair to call her that while in the womb. Turns out it was a girl, which made Gil a little weird... :)

Jana said...

great news.
glad to hear you tossed your cookies as well

heartincharge said...

Thanks so much for your encouragement and I'm so glad we both got good news!
I'm so happy for you.
And how perfect to toss your cookies- I know the night before an ultrasound can be agonizing. Nice reassurance!
I'll start thinking about that name.

Nick and Kristi said...

I am so happy things are continueing right on track as they should:) Each day/step makes the walls come down a little more:) Take Care!!!!

Oak said...

Thank goodness everything looks good. I'm so happy! :) And I'm so glad that you're glad about ralphing. All in all, a good day!

Alex said...

What wonderful news! This is fantastic!

Lizzy said...

Yay, let's hear it for puking!!!! It's a good thing sometimes! Glad things are going well!

Unknown said...

Sounds weird but CONGRATS on tossing your cookies :) YAY! I'll share my names since I don't know you IRL I won't care if you steal them.
Samuel or Owen
Girl - Ava Danielle (after my late grandmother and my husband both)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog to check up on you. You would think I would have time to call. But as usual, busy beyond reason. Praying for baby and you. Let's talk soon. I miss you. Lins